aufnehmen verb ( nimmt auf - hat aufgenommen - aufnehmend - aufzunehmen)
to absorb (e.g. heat / tension / gas etc)
to accept
to accommodate
to acquire
to admit (to)
to adsorb
to agreement
to allocate
to assess
to assimilate
to begin
to borrow
to carry
to cast on
to collect
to commence
to consume
to contact
to contain
to cut
to deaden
to draw current
to draw up
to embody
to enter (in/into)
to establish
to film
to gain
to grab
to grasp
to hold
to hospitalize
to house
to include (in/into)
to incorporate (into)
to increase
to ingest
to insert
to integrate
to lift up
to list
to locate
to log
to make (e.g. an exposure / inventory of)
to map
to measure
to mount
to obtain
to open (negotiations)
to permit
to photograph
to pick up
to plot (a graph)
to put up
to radiograph
to raise on
to raise
to receive
to reclaim
to record
to resist
to resorb
to scale
to seat
to shoot (a picture)
to stand
to start up
to start
to support
to survey
to sustain
to take a photo (of)
to take a photograph (of)
to take a shot (of)
to take a picture (of)
to take down (a dictation)
to take in
to take on
to take out
to take someone’s picture
to take up (a credit)
to tape-record
to tape
to trace
to transcribe
to wipe up
to withstand
to x-ray

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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