führen verb {führt – führte – h. geführt / führend, zu führen}
to administer
to administrate
to be ahead of
to be in charge of
to be in the lead
to bear
to boss
to bring
to captain
to carry
to carry on
to command
to conduct
to control
to deal in
to direct
to drive
to fill in
to fly
to get
to go
to go by
to go by the name of
to govern
to guide
to handle
to have
to have a record of
to have in stock
to have on
to have with
to head
to hold
to introduce
to keep
to lead
to maintain
to manage
to operate
to pilot
to prompt
to regulate
to result
to result in
to ride out
to route
to rule
to run
to sail
to sell
to send
to slave
to steer
to steer to
to stock
to sway
to take
to use
to wage
to wield

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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