

AN idea prevajamo različno:

I was beginning to get the idea that they didn't like me. Začelo se mi je dozdevati, da jim nisem všeč.
The idea is to try and avoid further expense. Cilj je izogniti se nadaljnjim stroškom.
How much does he earn? I've no idea. Koliko zasluži? Nimam pojma.
You get the idea? Ti je jasno?
Can you give us an idea of how much it will cost? Ali nam lahko poveste, koliko bo približno stalo?
Don't start putting ideas into the boy's head. Nikar ne vcepljaj fantu preveč visokoletečih idej.
He didn't have the faintest idea what to do. Niti sanjalo se mu ni, kaj naj stori.

Vir: Slovar lažnih prijateljev med angleščino in slovenščino - Andreja Skarlovnik Ziherl, Špela Omahen Regovc, Mojca Krečič in drugi avtorji

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