méč sword

dvorezen méč double-edged sword
méč dvoročnik two-handed sword
méču podoben sword-like
ročaj méča (sword) hilt
pas za méč sword belt
nosilec méča sword-bearer
nožnica méča scabbard, sheath
rana od méča sword cut
udarec z méčem stroke of the sword
z ognjem in méčem by fire and sword
na konici méča (figurativno) at the point of the sword
z golim méčem with drawn sword
ples (plesalec) z méči sword dance (dancer)
z méčem v roki sword in hand
brez udarca z méčem without striking a blow
izvleči, potegniti méč (iz nožnice) to draw the sword
nasaditi se, vreči se na méč to hurl oneself on one's sword
spopasti se z méči to cross swords
uničiti z ognjem in méčem to annihilate (ali to destroy) with fire and sword
vtakniti méč v nožnico to sheathe the sword (tudi figurativno)

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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