Direttissima {f} - most direct route; direttissima [Br.] (mountaineering)
die Direttissima nehmen - to take the most direct route in der Direttissima - taking the most direct route Sollen wir die Serpentinen ausgehen oder die Direttissima nehmen? - Shall we follow the switchbacks or take the direct route/direttissima [Br.]? Beim Flug zum Merkur kann man nicht die Direttissima nehmen, man muss sich dem Planeten in einer ausgeklügelten Spirale nähern. - You cannot take the most direct route to Mercury, you have to approach the planet in a sophisticated kind of spiral. Von da an ging es in der Direttissima Richtung Gipfelkreuz. - From that point on we took the straightest route/direttissima [Br.] to the cross on the summit. Sie gingen querfeldein durch den Wald, in der Direttissima durch Unterholz und Gestrüpp. - They cut across country through the wooded area, making a beeline for their destination, through underbrush and thickets.

Vir: German-English dictionary - Frank Richter

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