assessment sam.
1. ocenitev, ocena, presoja lastnosti česa/koga
Fire risk assessments will be undertaken by Regional Health & Safety Competent Person(s) within each office.
2. (o)cenitev, ocena vrednosti premoženja, škode ali odškodnine
3. DVČ odmera davka
4. ZVT premijski poračun plačajo ga zavarovalci vzajemne zavarovalnice
The insurer shall attach to the notice a statement of the condition of the insurer, giving the facts showing the necessity for the assessment.
5. ZVT prispevek predvsem v sklad za izplačila plačilno nesposobnih zavarovalnic
All 50 states have established procedures under which solvent insurers absorb the losses of claimants against insolvent insurers. New York has a preassessment fund, whereas other jurisdictions have guaranty funds to which solvent companies pay assessments as needed on a proportionate basis.

Vir: Angleško-slovenski slovar zavarovalništva - Helena Krašovec Smolnikar

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