drúg♦♦♦ zaim.


[človek, avto] other; (dodaten, drugačen) some other, another
stališča drugih strank
- opinions of other parties
bitja z drugega planeta
- creatures from some other planet

(druga oseba) the other, somebody else; (druga stvar) something else
[nič, kaj/nekaj, karkoli] drugega
[nothing, something, anything] else
želimo še kaj drugega
- we also want something else
drug drugega
each other, one another
ženske so ogledovale druga drugo
- women were observing each other
ne preostati drugega, kot ...
to have no other choice but ...
ne preostane vam drugega, kot da počakate
- you have no other choice but to wait

v mn. others, other people; (preostali) the rest
nekateri se hitro, drugi pa dosti počasneje učijo
- some people learn fast, while others need much more time
soočenje z drugimi
- confrontation with other people
med drugim among other matters, also
kršene so tudi ustavne pravice, so med drugim poudarili
- among other matters, they stressed that constitutional rights had also been violated
med drugim se ukvarja tudi s plesom
- he is also involved in dancing
po drugi strani on the other hand

Vir: Mali slovensko-angleški slovar - DZS d.d.

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