bítka battle; fight; (spopad, praska) skirmish, action, brush, engagement, encounter, combat

bítka do uničenja fight to a finish (ali to the bitter end, to the last man)
obkoljevalna bítka battle of encirclement
prava pravcata bítka a pitched battle
dobiti bítko to win a battle
bítka je na višku the battle is at its height
pripravljati se za bítko to prepare for battle
spustiti se v bítko to give battle, to join battle, to wage a battle, to fight a battle
prišlo je do bítke it came to a fight; a battle was fought
sprejeti bítko to accept battle
neodločena bítka indecisive battle

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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