čéz over; across; past, after; beyond

čéz in čéz all over
čéz dan during the day
čéz noč during the night
čéz teden dni a week today, this day week
čéz 14 dni a fortnight today, this day fortnight
čéz 3 tedne three weeks today
čéz zimo during the winter
star čéz 50 let on the wrong (ali shady) side of fifty
biti čéz 50 let star to be over fifty
čéz 1.000 over (ali above) a thousand, a thousand odd
čéz mero excessively, inordinately
čéz vse mere beyond measure
čéz polovico a good half
čéz vse more than anything
nekaj minut čéz osmo uro a few minutes past eight
čéz hribe in doline through the length and breadth of the country
iti čéz to pass
iti čéz reko to cross the river
nič ni čéz naravo there is nothing like nature
potovati čéz Pariz to go by way of Paris, to go via Paris
prodajati vino čéz cesto to sell wine off licence

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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