gojíti to cultivate; (cvetlice, zelenjavo, brado itd.) to grow; (živali) to breed; (čustvo, figurativno) to entertain, to nurse, to foster, to cherish, to harbour

gojíti gosi to keep geese
gojíti pse konje to breed dogs, horses
gojíti solato to grow lettuce
gojíti misel to entertain an idea
gojíti zle naklepe to harbour ill designs
gojíti prijateljstvo s kom to cultivate someone's friendship
gojíti upanje to cherish a hope
gojíti željo to foster a desire
ali gojiš kako vrsto športa? do you go in for any kind of sport?

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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