interés interest; (korist) advantage, profit; (zanimanje, radovednost) curiosity, concern (in)

v interésu svoje družine in the interest of one's family
v njihovem interésu on (ali in) their behalf
za splošni interés for the common (ali public) weal, for the general welfare (ali good of all)
splošnega interésa of general interest
nezdružljivi interési conflicting interests pl
v interésu vašega zdravja in the interests of your health
interési obrambe države defence interests of the country
interési varnosti države security interests pl of the country
skupni interési common interests pl
zastopanje, zastopstvo interésov representation of interests
splošnega interésa of general interest
konfliktni interési conflicting interests pl
to je v mojem interésu it is in my interest
je v interésu... it is in the interest of...
to je bilo storjeno v tvojem interésu that was done for your sake
v tvojem interésu je, da rečeš tako it is in your interest to say so
ima interés za vse, kar vidi he takes an interest in everything he sees
izgubiti interés to lose interest
koristiti javnim interésom to benefit the public interest
škodovati interésom to impair the interests of
služiti svojim osebnim interésom to serve one's private (ali one's own) interests
ščititi interése kake osebe to protect (ali to uphold) someone's interests
ne imeti interésa za... to have no interest in...
ne vidim interésa, da bi sodeloval z njim I don't find it advantageous (ali in my interest) to collaborate with him
vem, kje so moji interési I know which side my bread is buttered on
zastopati interése kake osebe to look after someone's interests

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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