izpláčati to pay out (off, down)

izpláčati v gotovini to pay cash, to pay cash down; (dolg) to pay off, to settle; to square up with one's creditors; (stroške) to defray; (razliko) to balance; (menico v polnem) to honour a bill; to take up a bill; (povrniti) to refund, to repay, to compensate
izpláčati se (biti vreden truda) to pay (well); to prove (ali to be) profitable (ali remunerative); to be worth the trouble (ali one's while)
ki se izplača (rentabilen) rewarding
izplača se it pays, it is worth the money
komaj se izplača (iti) it's hardly worth while (going)
kmetu se izplača, da... it pays a farmer to (nedoločnik)
izplača se vedeti it is worth knowing
ne izplača se it doesn't pay, it is not worth while (ali the trouble)
to potovanje se izplača this journey is worth the money
ni se izplačalo (ni bilo vredno tolikšnega truda) the game wasn't worth the candle

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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