kísel sour; acid; tart; (malo) sourish, acidulous; (okisan) pickled; figurativno sour, sulky, surly; morose, peevish, sullen, ill-humoured, crabbed, harsh, crusty

kísel krompir potato salad
kísel obraz wry (ali drawn) face, sour look(s)
kíslo mleko sour (ali curdled) milk
kíslo zelje sauerkraut, pickled (ali salted) cabbage
kísle kumarice pickled cucumbers pl, cucumber salad
kíslo grozdje sour grapes pl
kísli bonboni acid drops pl
kísla voda mineral water, thermal water, acidulous water
kíslo se držati to look surly (ali bitter), to pull a (sour) face
napraviti kísel obraz to pull a (wry) face
ugrizniti v kíslo jabolko (figurativno) to grasp the nettle

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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