koríst benefit, profit; good; advantage; use; behalf; arhaično avail; arhaično behoof; (porabnost) utility, use, usefulness

v koríst česa in favour of, on (ZDA in) behalf of
brez korísti useless, unprofitable, unproductive, fruitless, unavailing
v mojo koríst on my behalf
v koríst naše tvrdke for the benefit of our firm
kakšna koríst je od tega, da (če)... arhaično what boots it to...?
od tega ne bomo imeli nobene korísti we shall gain nothing by this
imeti koríst od to profit by, to benefit by, to derive (ali to realize, to have) profit from
materialna koríst material benefit
to je za tvojo koríst it is for your good (ali benefit)
je brez korísti it is of no avail (ali of no use)
brez korísti protestirati to protest without avail
obrniti (kaj) v svojo koríst to turn (something) to good account
on obrne vse v svojo koríst it is all grist to his mill
izvleči koríst iz česa to capitalize on something

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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