korístiti to be useful (ali of use, of service); to serve; to be profitable (ali advantageous), to prove efficient (ali effective); to be good (for); arhaično to avail

ne korístiti to be useless, to be of no use, to be of no good, (biti zaman) to be of little avail, to be in vain, to be fruitless (ali futile, to no purpose)
to mi nič ne koristi arhaično it avails me nothing
to lahko še kaj koristi it may still be of some use (ali of some service, serviceable)
kaj koristi (pomaga), da (če)... what use is it (ali arhaično what avails it) that (if)...
nič ne koristi it is of no use, pogovorno it's no use, arhaično it is of no avail
nikomur (to) ni koristilo nobody was any the better for it
vsa ta reč ti ne bo nič koristila all that stuff won't do you any good

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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