lés wood

stavbni, tesarski lés timber
gradbeni lés (building) timber, ZDA lumber
gnil lés rotten wood
suh lés seasoned timber
rezani lés sawn timber
vezan lés plywood
mehek lés softwood
trd lés hardwood
jamski lés pitwood, pitprop
beli lés white wood
obdelava lésa wood working
obdelovalec lésa woodworker, wood carver
sečnja lésa wood felling
impregnacija lésa wood impregnation
vrste lésa species pl of wood
lésu podoben ligniform, ligneous, woody, woodlike
sladki lés botanika liquorice
žagan lés sawn wood
mlad, nov lés green wood
umeten lés artificial wood
sečni lés mature wood
hrastov lés oak, oak wood, oak timber
trgovati z lésom to deal in wood, to trade as a timber merchant
on je malo čez lés (figurativno, žargon) he is up the pole (ali round the bend)

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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