nakopáti to get by digging, to dig out

nakopáti sramoto komu to bring shame on someone
nakopáti si kaj to incur something
nakopáti si bolezen to contract (ali to catch) a disease
nakopáti si sovraštvo to incur the hatred (of someone)
nakopáti si dolgove to incur debts
nakopáti si odgovornost (dolg) to burden (ali to saddle) oneself with responsibility (debt)
nakopáti si globo to incur a fine
nakopáti si na glavo (figurativno) to burden oneself (with)
nakopáti si sramoto to bring shame on oneself
sam si si nakopal te nevšečnosti you have made a rod for your own back, you have brought this on yourself

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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