nedólžen innocent (of); (nekriv) not guilty, guiltless; blameless; harmless; guileless; (deviški) virgin, chaste, maidenly, immaculate; (naiven) naive

nedólžno jagnje innocent lamb
nedólžno (neškodljivo) zdravilo a harmless remedy
po nedólžnem innocently
lahko dokažem, da sem nedólžen I can prove (that) I am innocent
proglasiti koga za nedólžnega to pronounce someone innocent, to bring in a verdict of not guilty (ali a not-guilty verdict), to acquit, to discharge, to vindicate someone
on nikakor ni nedólžen (brez krivde) he is by no means blameless

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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