ob at; by, along, on

ob treh at 3 o'clock
sestati se ob šestih to meet at six (o'clock)
ob sobotah on Saturdays
ob prvi priliki at the first opportunity
ob letu in a year, in a year's time, a year from today, a year today
ob takih okoliščinah under such circumstances
ob ves (svoj) denar sem I have lost all my money
ob vse so ga spravili he has lost everything (ali his all)
pri tem sem ob mojih 10 funtov I am ten pounds out of pocket over it
on je ob pamet he is out of his mind, he is not in his senses
si ob pamet? are you out of your senses?
hoditi gor in dol ob hiši to walk up and down by (ali outside) the house
to se samo ob sebi razume this is a matter of course
živeti ob kruhu in vodi to live on bread and water

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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