oprostíti to excuse, to pardon, to forgive; (česa) to exempt (from), to dispense (izpita with an exam); (na sodišču) to acquit; (iz zapora) to release, to set free, to free; (obveznosti) to release; (osvoboditi) to deliver (from), to rid (of), to absolve (from); (spregledati) to condone

oprosti! pardon me!
oprostite, prosim! I beg your pardon, I am sorry, excuse me, Sir (Madam)!
oprosti, da to rečem! pardon my saying so!
oprostili so mi ono pismo I was forgiven that letter
oprostíti koga zaradi pomanjkanja dokazov to give someone the benefit of the doubt
oprostite, da vam nisem takoj odgovoril I must apologize for not having replied at once
oprostíti se to excuse someone, to apologize
oprostite besedi! (opravičilo za nespodobno besedo) saving your presence!

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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