ostál left (over), remaining

ostáli pl the rest, the others, those left
med ostálim among other things, (latinsko) inter alia
v ostálem (= sicer) for the rest
in vse ostálo (drugo) and everything else, and all the rest of it
in ostálo (podobno) and so on, and so forth; et cetera (krajšava: etc.)
ostáli od nas the rest of us
vsi (drugi) ostáli gredó (hočejo iti) all the others (ali the rest of them) are going
bil je pijan kot vsi ostáli (drugi) he was drunk like the rest
mi (ki smo) ostáli (mi drugi) the rest of us
(vse) ostálo (drugo) se je izgubilo the remainder was lost

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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