pásti1 (padem) to fall; to drop; to slump; to tumble; to decrease, to decline; (vpliv) to wane; to ebb; (cene) to go down, to depreciate; to sink

pásti s konja to fall off (ali from) a horse, to be spilled, to come a cropper; (z višine) to topple down
pásti v boju to fall in action; (strel) to be heard; (v šoli) to do badly, to come down; (pri izpitu) to fail, to be ploughed
padel je na bojnem polju, na bojišču he was killed on the battlefield
pásti komu v besedo to interrupt someone
pásti po dolgem in širokem na tla to fall spread-eagled on the floor
pásti komu na hrbet to attack someone from behind, to stab someone in the back
pásti v oči to catch the eye
padel je z drevesa he fell from a tree
pásti v nezavest to faint, to swoon
pásti na nos to fall on one's face
padel sem v nemilost pri njem I lost his favour
padel je na izpitu he failed his examination
kocka je padla (figurativno) the die is cast
pásti na noge (tudi figurativno) to land on one's feet
pásti na zemljo to fall on the ground
novoletni dan pade na četrtek New Year's Day falls on a Thursday
otrok je padel the baby has fallen over (ali has had a tumble)
nizko pásti, globoko pásti (figurativno) to come down in the world, to sink low
to mi je padlo v naročje (figurativno) I got it without effort (ali without exertion)
padlo mi je na pamet, na um it suddenly struck me, it mashed through my mind, the thought struck me
pásti v pozabo to fall into oblivion, to fall into disuse
padla mu je okoli vratu she embraced him, she threw her arms round his neck
pásti na kolena to kneel down
pásti na kolena pred... to fall on one's knees before..., to prostrate oneself before...
padel je sovražniku v roke he fell into the hands of the enemy
to mi je kot z neba padlo (figurativno) it came as a windfall to me, it came like a godsend to me
sekira mi je padla iz rok the axe dropped from my hand
sekira mu je padla v med (figurativno) he sees his most fervent desires fulfilled, he is favoured by luck
pásti v nemilost to fall into disfavour
pásti v zmoto to fall into error
pásti pod zakon to come under a law, to fall within the scope of a law
zastor je padel the curtain has dropped
vlada je padla the government has been overthrown
nisem na glavo padel (figurativno) I am no fool
jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa (figurativno) like father, like son
pazi, da ne padeš! mind you don't fall!

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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