píti to drink; (o pijancu) to drink habitually, to tipple, to guzzle, to tope, to soak, to booze, to swill, to drink hard (ali deep, freely), to be a heavy (ali hard) drinker; to drink rather heavily

naglo, v velikih požirkih píti to gulp down, to swallow; (srebati) to sip; (o psu) to lap; (vpijati) to take in, to lap up, to absorb, to imbibe
píti kot goba to drink like a fish
píti kot žolna to drink hard (ali like a lord, like a fish)
píti več kot je pametno (žargon) to lift the elbow (too often)
preveč píti to drink too much, (žargon) to bend the (ali one's) elbow
preveč je pil he's had a drop too much, he's under the influence, he's the worse for wear
začel je (preveč) píti he took to drink
píti bratovščino s kom to hobnob with someone, to drink the pledge of brotherhood (ali intimate friendship) with someone
píti na zdravje koga to drink someone's health, to drink to the health of (ali in honour of) someone, (nazdraviti komu) to toast someone
pijem na Vaše zdravje! here's to you!
píti čaj, kavo, kakao to take (ali to have) one's tea, coffee, cocoa
ne smem píti vina I must abstain from drinking wine
on pije kri svojim dolžnikom (figurativno) he is a bloodsucker
píti slatino (v zdravilišču) to drink the waters
ki mnogo pije hard-drinking

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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