rába use; usage

v rábi in use
v splošni rábi in common use
ne v rábi out of use, disused
s trajno rábo with use
(dober) za rábo (uporaben) fit for use
govorna rába (colloquial) usage
navodila za (upo)rabo directions pl, instructions pl for use
za nobeno rábo good for nothing
on ni za nobeno rábo he is good for nothing, he is no good (at anything)
ne biti v rábi to be out of use, to be disused
biti vsak dan v rábi to be in daily use
to ni za nobeno rábo this is of no use
priti v splošno rábo to come into general use
priti iz rábe to fall (ali to pass) out of use, to fall into disuse

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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