razlíka difference; distinction; discrepancy

brez razlíke without distinction, indiscriminately, promiscuously
za razlíko od in contrast to, as distinguished from
očitna, frapantna razlíka striking difference
prav nobena razlíka no difference at all really
zaradi razlíke for the sake of difference
razlíka v ceni (mnenju, starosti) difference in price (of opinion, in age)
delati razlíko to make a difference, to make (ali to draw) a distinction
delati krivično razlíko to draw an erroneous distinction
ne delam nobene razlíke med njima I make no distinction between them
ni nobene razlíke there is no difference

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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