státi2 (stojim) to stand; to be at a standstill; (ne se premakniti) to stagnate, not to budge

pokonci státi to stand upright
státi na prstih to stand on tiptoe
státi v pozoru vojska to stand at attention
státi voljno vojska to stand at ease
vod, stoj! vojska squad, halt!
státi na straži to be on sentry-go, to stand guard
státi komu ob strani to stand by someone
státi na lastnih nogah (figurativno) to stand on one's own legs
moja ura stoji my watch has stopped
stvari stojé dobro matters stand well
(takó) kot stvari stojé as matters stand
bil je preveč pijan, da bi mogel státi (na nogah) he was too drunk to stand up
nekaj ostankov rimskega zidu še stoji some remains of the Roman wall are still standing
stoj! stop!, halt!, stand still!
státi ravno kot sveča to stand bolt upright
koliko časa stoji vlak na tej postaji? how long does the train stop at this station?
státi trdno kot skala to stand firm as a rock
státi v vrsti (in čakati) ZDA to stand in line; VB to stand in a queue, to queue (up)

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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