tísti that, pl those

tísti, ki... he who, he that, the one who
tísta, ki... she who...
tísti, ki (pl) those who
tísti dan, tístega dne on that day
kdo je tísti, ki...? who is the one, who...?
tísti, ki to verjamejo, se varajo those who believe that are mistaken
tísti, ki je to rekel, se je motil the one who said so was mistaken
tísti moji prijatelji, ki... those friends of mine who..., such of my friends as...
od teh gospá poznam le tísto, s katero govori moj brat I don't know any of those ladies except the one my brother is speaking to
treba je pomagati tístim, ki so bolj revni kot mi it is our duty to help those who are poorer than ourselves

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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