udárec blow; stroke; buffet; (s plosko dlanjo) slap, smack, cuff; hit (komu at someone); (s pestjo) punch; (s prstom) fillip, flip; (s palico, gorjačo) thump

rahel udárec tap, rap; flap, flick
udárec v obraz slap in the face, žargon smack in the kisser (ali the chops)
močan udárec thwack, thump, clout, whack, slog, ZDA soak, slug; blow; (ure) stroke, beat
ob udárcu ure ob osmih at the stroke of eight, at 8 o'clock sharp
težak udárec a heavy (ali severe) blow
odločilen udárec a decisive blow
uničujoč udárec a destructive blow
udárec v vodo (figurativno) a vain attempt
udárec za udárcem blow upon blow
z enim udárcem at one blow, at one stroke
strahovit udárec a swingeing blow
to je hud udárec zanjo that's a cruel blow for her
dobiti udárce to get a thrashing
dobivati udárec za (figurativno) to suffer reverse after reverse
dobiti smrten udárec to receive a mortal blow
preživeti udárec to survive a blow
zadati komu udárec to deal someone a blow, to strike a blow against someone
ubiti dve muhi z enim udárcem (figurativno) to kill two birds with one stone

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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