ujéti to catch; to capture; to take (someone) prisoner; to seize

ujéti koga pri dejanju to catch someone red-handed (ali in the act)
ujéti v past to trap, arhaično to entrap
ujéti koga na laži to catch someone out in a lie
nevihta nas je ujela we were caught in a storm
noč me je ujela I was overtaken by night (ali darkness)
ujel sem ga za rokav I caught him by the sleeve
niti ene ribe ni ujel he did not catch a single fish
naša mačka je ujela dve miši our cat has caught two mice
biti ujet, ujeti se to be caught, to get caught
bil je ujet vojska he was taken prisoner
bil sem ujet med umikom I was taken prisoner during the retreat
tatu so ujeli the thief has been caught

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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