usóda fate, destiny, fortune; lot; fatality; doom; zastarelo weird

boginje usóde Destinies pl, Fates pl, the Weird (ali Fatal) Sisters pl
moja usóda (pogovorno) my lot
vera v usódo fatalism
usóda mi je šla na roko (figurativno) fate played into my hands
boriti se proti usódi to fight against destiny
dati si vedeževati svojo usódo to have one's fortune told
deliti s kom usódo to cast (ali to throw) in one's lot with someone
deliti s kom isto usódo to share the same fate with someone
usóda ga preganja fate pursues him
usóda me povsod zasleduje fate pursues me everywhere
odločiti o usódi koga to decide (ali to fix) someone's fate
izzivati, skušati usódo to tempt providence
izzivati svojo usódo to tempt one's fate
sprijazniti se s svojo usódo to reconcile oneself to one's fate (ali to one's lot), to become reconciled with one's fate (ali one's lot)
vdati se v svojo usódo to resign oneself to one's fate, zastarelo (škotsko) to dree one's weird
zapečatiti usódo koga to seal someone's fate
njegova usóda je zapečatena his fate is sealed
zlobna usóda cruel (ali baleful) fate

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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