zahvalíti se to thank (komu za kaj someone for something); to give thanks (to someone); to render thanks (for something); to return thanks (for something); (odklonilno) to refuse, to decline

najlepše se zahvaljujem! (ironično) thank you for nothing!
vnaprej zahvalíti se to thank beforehand
zahvaljujoč se vam vnaprej... thanking you in anticipation (ali beforehand, in advance)
zahvaljujem se vam za... I am much obliged to you for..., many thanks to you for...
zahvalíti se se morate gospodu X., ne meni you must give your thanks to Mr. X., not to me
njej se moram zahvalíti se, da... I owe it to her that...
vam se moramo zahvalíti se, da je sedaj najhujše za nami thanks to you we are through the worst of it now
zahvalíti se za službo (figurativno dati ostavko) to send in one's papers

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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