eye1 [ai] samostalnik
oko; vid; pogled; vidik; popek; ušesce (npr. šivanke); zankica; luknja (v kruhu, siru)

figurativno namera; blesk diamanta; središče

ameriško , sleng vohun

it's all my eye vse to je neumnost
the apple of one's eye nad vse drag
black eye modrica, ameriško poraz
by the eye na oko, po videzu
to cast sheep's eyes at s.o. zaljubljeno koga gledati
to clap an eye at s.o. zagledati koga
to catch the eyes of s.o. s pogledom koga opozoriti
to close one's eyes to s.th. zapirati oči pred čim
to come to the eye of s.o. pojaviti se pred kom
to cry one's eyes out izjokati si oči
pogovorno to do in the eye oslepariti, ukaniti
easy on the eye čeden, prijeten
to feast one's eyes z užitkom gtedati
to give an eye to pogledati, popaziti
if you had half an eye ko bi ne bil čisto slep in gluh
to have eyes at the back of one's head imeti povsod oči, biti bister
to have in one's eye opazovati
to have an eye to s.th. paziti na kaj
to have an eye to the main chance urediti sebi v prid
in the eyes of vpričo
to keep an eye on, to keep a close (ali steady, strict) eye on budno opazovati
to keep one's eyes skinned (ali open) budno paziti
to keep one's weather eye open oprezovati, budno paziti
to make eyes at s.o. spogledovati se s kom
to make s.o. open his eyes hudo koga presenetiti
mind your eye bodi previden
my eye! presneto!
in the eye of the law po zakonu
with the naked eyes prostim očesom
quick eye oster vid, dar opazovanja
vojska eyes right! (left!, front!) desno (levo, naravnost) glej!
sleng in a pig's eye nikdar
right in the eye of naravnost proti
do you see any green in my eye? mar res misliš, da sem tako neumen, da bi ti verjel?
to see with half an eye takoj opaziti
to see eye to eye with s.o. popolnoma se strinjati
to set (ali lay) eyes on s.th. zagledati kaj
a sight for sore eyes nepričakovano veselje
to turn a blind eye prizanašati
up to one's eyes prek ušes
it strikes the eye pade v oči
to throw dust in the eyes of s.o. vreči komu pesek v oči, slepiti ga
with an eye to zaradi
in the eyes of the world po javnem mnenju
in the twinkling of an eye kot bi trenil

Vir: Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar - Anton Grad, Ružena Škerlj, Nada Vitorovič

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