that2 [ðæt, ðət] oziralni zaimek (množina that)


ki; kateri, -a, -o; ki ga, ki jo, ki jih; katere, katera



all that everything that vse, kar
the best that najboljše, kar
much that mnogo (tega), kar
nothing that nič, kar
no one that nihče, ki
the book that I sent you knjiga, ki sem ti jo poslal; ki
the man that bought the house (tisti) človek, ki je kupil hišo
the lady that he is acquainted with gospa, s katero se pozna
it is the ideas that matter ideje so važne
the fool that he is! takšen bedak!
grboslovje husband that is to be njen bodoči mož (soprog)
Mrs. Black, Miss Brown that was pogovorno gospa Black, rojena Brown
Mrs. Jones that is sedanja gospa Jones
for the reason that iz razloga, zaradi katerega
the day (that) I met him na dan, na katerega (ko) sem se seznanil z njim

Vir: Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar - Anton Grad, Ružena Škerlj, Nada Vitorovič

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