šolska svetovalna služba
svetovanje, usmerjanje, socialno delo

Angleški prevod:
school (educational and vocational) guidance service

Angleški opis:
The guidance and orientation of pupils in pre-school institutions, 'basic', secondary and special education are the responsibility of each school guidance service. The teams or individual guidance experts provide assistance and advice to children, pupils, students and parents. The guidance service also participates in the preparation and implementation of individual programmes for children with special needs. The work of the guidance service is carried out by specialists, such as psychologists, teaching specialists, social workers and specialist on children with special needs. Within the framework of vocational guidance, they liase with the Employment Service of Slovenia.

Vir: Slovensko-angleški pojmovnik s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja - Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport

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